Posts with the tag Org-Mode:
I recently made a post about how I was able to configure the new tab page in my browser to display my org agenda. Since then I've been working on another project similar to that, trying to take the concept even further.
A while ago I purchased an Inkplate 6 during its crowd funding stage on Crowd Supply, with the exact intention of creating something like this.
At the core of the Inkplate 6 is the ESP32.
I absolutely love org mode. I use it extensively almost every day to keep track of tasks and due dates, both for my personal life and at work. A lot of this workflow centres around the org agenda, which compiles all the current and upcoming tasks and due dates from several files into a single view.
The only gripe I had with it was that I had to be within Emacs to use it.
I manage a lot of servers. Some are serving static content like this blog, with others running services like Nextcloud, ZNC, Shadowsocks, or Mumble. I also have one or two game servers to play with my family and friends. These are spread across two providers for cost and geographic reasons.
In addition, I have several machines running in my house, one running FreeNAS with some jails, another running Proxmox with several VMs and containers.
One of the differences between using markdown and org-mode markup for writing Hugo pages is how you set the alternative text and title of an image.
In markdown, you would write it as
 Where in org-mode, typically you would use a caption like this
#+CAPTION: Image Title [[file:dummy-image.png]] and that would be the end of it. However in Hugo, if we use that format, we end up with this
I love using Hugo to write. Their org-mode markup support is absolutely top notch. The only real problem with it is that while it's well supported, the Hugo docs don't cover it very much, as Markdown and TOML are the main markup and configuration languages.
One of the basic building blocks for Hugo blogs are Archetypes. Archetypes get used as the templates for new posts, and get automatically filled out with the title of the post and creation date.